Exercises for "Reconfigurable Computing"
The exercises all have orange headers in the located in
the exercises are in:
- For each exercise do:
> cd ~/ucb-bar/chipper-tutorial/problems
> make {exercise}.out
until it passes all the tests and produces SUCCESS at bottom.
The problems that need to pass all the tests are:
LFSR16, MaxN, ShiftRegisterVec, Mul, DynamicMemorySearch, andDecoupledGCD
- If for some reason the chipper app disappears, they can do the following to rebuild:
> cd ~/ucb-bar/chipper
> bin/bootstrap.sh
you can of course reimport the VirtualBox image and make sure to do the following
> cd ~/ucb-bar/chipper-tutorial
> git pull
> cd ../chipper
> git pull
Feel free to send questions to jrb@pobox.com at completion, please email a tarball of the stanza files in the problems directory.